
How to help feel better from symptoms of the Flu

Jumat, 26 Februari 2016

Nowadays, in Indonesia was rainy seasons and in this seasons many disease can attack us..... Common disease that attack is "FLU" . Yay, because now I'm in a cold and Flu condition, so I'll share a lot of information about how to handle this Illness.

Day 1
A colleague returns to work while still suffering from the flu.
The spiked surface of the influenza virus (dark blue) fits like a chemical key to unlock a respiratory cell and hijack its reproductive mechanisms. Inside the virus are the genetic strands (red) that it will use to reproduce inside the infected cell.
Day 2
You notice you're feeling achy, your throat is scratchy and you feel feverish.
This sequence of electronmicrographs shows a flue virus infecting a cell. In the top frames, the rounded virus attaches to the respiratory cell (blue), which then folds around it, bringing it inside. In the lower frames, the virus has fully penetrated inside the cell, where it will reproduce itself. In six hours the cell will have reproduced 1,000 new viruses. Twenty-four hours after the virus infects the first cell, a trillion new viruses may be present in the body.
Day 3
The flu is in full swing - fever, body aches, exhaustion, sore throat and headache.
When the new viruses are completed, they "bud" from the surface of the infected cell to begin the process again. Within 48 hours of the first viruses entering the body, viruses are overwhelming respiratory cells. Your symptoms are severe - in part because the body's immune response has begun in earnest.
Day 4
Your symptoms continue - fever, chills, body aches, exhaustion, and pounding headaches, and a dry, persistent cough.
When the body recognizes the virus, a complicated response begins. A T-lymphocyte, a white blood cell (lower right) recognizes an antigen (yellow), with a receptor on the T-cell's surface (green). It becomes "activated," increasing in size and synthesizing Interleukin-2 (blue and purple ovals), a chemical that induces fever, stimulates inflammation in the region, and attracts a host of other immune cells. The T-lymphocyte also produces antibodies (red, y-shaped molecule), chemicals that bind to the virus and make it powerless.
Day 5-7
Your symptoms are abating. Fever is down and body aches and headache have subsided. You're still tired and coughing, which may continue for another week.
The tide has turned and the immune system has gained the upper hand. The T-lymphocytes attract other immune cells to join the fight, including macrophages (or "big eaters"). Macrophages engulf and destroy invading viruses and bacteria, dead cells, and a host of debris, as this macrophage engulfs a yeast cell. They also summon killer T-cells, which release proteins that literally destroy invaders, like something out of science fiction. 

How can I treat the flu?
Most people will recover from the flu on their own. In the meantime, taking over-the-counter medications can help ease your symptoms. some medicine that you can take to care your illness are 

But you'd better to go to doctor first :)


Senin, 16 November 2015

Haaaiii readers..
long time no see,
Udah lama banget ga ngepos dan nengokin blog ini. Karna memang pada awalnya blog ini dibuat karna ada tugas sewaktu masih sekolah SMK dulu. Tapi dengan tugas dari Pak Uya ini, ternyata bermanfaat banget buat nyalurin cerita, berbagi kisah walaupun ga banyak yang baca, seenggaknya jadi back up buat aku sendiri. By the way, tumben nengokin dan mau nulis karna ada sesuatu yang pengen diceritain. Sebenernya niat berbagi kisah-kisah ini udah lama ada di fikiran tapi gegara jadi Mahasiswa Baru itu harus banyak tugas, banyak acara, dan banyak males tentunya, jadi belum mau nyempetin nulis deh hehe.
     Oke, first of all aku mau cerita tentang apa aja yang udah aku lakuin selam setahun terakhir ini. sebelum aku jadi dewasa, sebelum masa 17 tahunku kabur, dan aku jadi orang yang mungkin akan lebih sibuk maka aku mau nyeritain perjalanan 17 tahunku mulai dari malem ini. Dan karna ceritanya banyak jadi mungkin akan bersambung...... Let's go mulai yaaaaaaa

1. Aku bahagia udah 17 tahun, yang katanya 17 tahun itu usia paling sweet dalam hidup. tapi aku ga mau gampang percaya sebelum bener-bener buktiin sendiri ungkapan itu. Ya, hari itu Selasa tanggal 18 November 2014 aku masih duduk di bangku SMK. udah kelas XII udah santai banget sekolahnya. Mungkin berkebalikan sama anak SMA atau sekolah-sekolah lain, karna memang kegiatan terberat sekolah itu ada di kelas XI. aku masih nggak bersyukur berada di SMK Farmasi Nasional Surakarta yang notabene sekolah top di kota solo dan bahkan jawa tengah ini. Aku masih sering ngeluh karna kami siswa smf (sebutan singkatnya) terlalu banyak tugas, ulangan tiap hari, praktikum dan masih banyak lagi. Tapi jangan salah, entah kenapa hampir tiap hari kami bisa main lenggak lenggok kesana kemari bareng-bareng. Ya mungkin karna letak sekolah kami sangatlah strategis, dekat dengan pusat perbelanjaan hitz di kota berseri ini. Well, balik lagi ke topik pembicaraan..... Ini memang ulangtahun yang alhamdulillah berkesan baik di aku. walaupun banyak kejutan yang bikin bete entah dari temen sekelas, temen sekolah, dan bahkan temen-temen kos yang super ngangenin, birthday gift yang unik dan berguna banget. Tapi sayangnya di 17 tahun ini aku masih labil bangeuuud.... Banyak doa tentunya, sampai doa-doa yang agak kurang penting pun aku lafadz kan. Started from this moment, akan banyak cerita dan doa-doa yang diijabah sama Allah yang pengen aku share. Jangan bosen bacanya yaak

Mereka adalah cewek-cewek tangguh, yang sekarang sudah berkelana menjelajah dunia. Kesayangan semuanya, dan aku kangen kebersamaan kelas kita.
Foto ini diambil pada tanggal 23 November 2014 


Yang ini foto temen-temen sekolah juga, taken tanggal berapa nya lupa yang jelas masih bulan november hihi ... seragam sekolahku keren kan yaa :)) paginya kita foto pake seragam di stadion manahan terus lanjut siang ke mangkunegaran abis tu sore nya baru deh kongkow di black canyoon lanjut foto di rooftop . Malem nya jangan tanya lagi, kita belajar buat praktikum, pretes, postes, dan ulangan esok hari. Itu udah jadi rutinitas kita waktu itu, kalo sekarang suruh ngebayangin aja ogah, but I just wanna say "SMF SANGAR"

4.  ceritanya lanjut besuk deh ya, foto dan kisahnya masih banyak bangeddh haha. aku mo kuliah duluu :p

Sawarna Beach

Minggu, 25 Mei 2014

Landscapes of natural beauty tucked away overlooking the Indian Ocean. White sandy beaches, clear blue water and lush rolling green nan. Reaching 65 km long coastline dotted reefs and white sand. This beach is the most beautiful beaches of the five beaches are owned by the Province of Banten.

Sawarna name of the beach, located in a coastal village which has a variety of interesting attractions to visit such as beaches, rivers, forests, rock cliffs, caves, and agrotourism. This beautiful coastal region fused with the mystical story of Nyai Roro Kidul and exploitation of coal in Bayah and Lebak by foreign invaders.

You will be impressed with the vast stretches of rice fields, beautiful panoramic view of the village, blowing cool air typical agricultural village, and rows of palm trees and teak trees that lined the fence like a calf village.

Sawarna Tourism Village is your starting point to explore the beautiful nature experience interacting with the earthy traditional society. The beach is located in the Village Sawarna Gendol, Sawarna Village, District Bayah, Lebak District, Banten Province. This beautiful beach is about 150 km from the city center Rangkasbitung. Travelling on the beach is very pleasant and memorable because of its natural pristine also has a crystal clear sea water is not polluted.

Here the beaches waiting to be captivating eyes and heart. If you are a hobby of surfing or surfing why not feel the waves are spectacular even been sampled surfers from America, Australia, Japan, and Korea.

You can also feel the snorkel to greet variety of ornamental fish and coral reefs. Find beauty in Ciantir Coast, Cape Coast Display, Coral Coast Bokor, Coral Coast Seupang, Taraje Coral Coast and Gulf Coast Legon Pari.

Despite of its beautiful beaches in Sawarna there are cave tours. Some of the caves of different sizes you can visit such as: Lalay Goa, Goa Sikadir, Cimaul Goa, Goa Singalong, and Sand Hill Tangkil. Goa in Sawarna a cave karst (limestone) which is formed from the early Miocene.


Physical exercise is a great method to keep our bodies in good shape, but our brains need to stay fit and healthy in order to function properly. In trying times, some of us experience stress, an inability to concentrate, emotional instability and other issues, many of which can be traced back to mental health. Even if these conditions do not apply and you are simply seeking to boost your brain power, there are a few steps that should prove very helpful:

1) Feed your brain! Nutrition plays a huge role in our mental and cognitive abilities. Make sure your diet includes omega-3 fatty acids, which can be found in many foods such as fish, nuts, seeds and legumes. Antioxidants, which can be found in most fruits and vegetables, are another essential part of the brain-diet. well-balanced meal can reduce the risk of certain chronic diseases, boost your memory and concentration and improve your capacity to learn.
2) Stimulation. It is important to keep your brain active and engaged in rigorous activities. When you stop exercising for a long period of time, you might notice that your body seems to fall “out of shape.” Similarly, not employing the brain for a prolonged time might weaken some of the cognitive skills that you have worked so hard to develop. Exercising your brain by reading, solving puzzles or doing challenging games will help to keep your brain in top shape and ready for use.

3) Physical exercise. Regular exercise plays a role in regulating blood circulation through your brain and also reduces the risk of many diseases. Further, the secretion of endorphins after physical activity can positively alter your mood, which also reflects on your cognitive ability.

4) Socialization. Engaging in social activities keeps your brain active and engaged. Socializing can reduce stress and promote emotional health. Isolation and loneliness may trigger negative emotions and may be conducive to developing emotional instability, resulting in impaired concentration and cognition. Control your emotional health by socializing with friends and sharing your thoughts and feelings with the people you trust.

5) Meditation. While it is important to keep your brain active and in shape, it is equally important to enjoy freedom of thought and peace of mind. Excessive thinking and continuous mental activity may induce overwhelming stress. Find an exercise through which you can relax your brain. People often find yoga, religious practices, massages, hiking, or similar activities to be helpful in this regard.

6) Get plenty of sleep. Your brain needs time to recover and it can only do that through sleep.

7) Use all of your senses. Some people are visual learners, while others learn by audio repetition. It is also not out of the ordinary that some people might utilize smell or taste as means of learning. Using more senses stimulates more parts of your brain. Find your best strategy for learning.

8) Go easy on substances. Alcohol and other drugs can kill brain cells. Caffeine creates a dependence on a chemical that can otherwise be generated naturally. Smoking can deprive the brain of normal oxygen levels. If you choose not to abstain, practice moderation!
9) Prioritize your tasks. Do not overwhelm yourself and exhaust your brain. Know the most important tasks and start from there.

10) Chill out. Stress is often counter-productive. Believe in yourself, have realistic goals, and seek help when needed.

The Benefits Of Avocado

There are some amazing avocado benefits for your health. If you would like to lose weight, improve your skin and lower your risk of many life-threatening diseases, here’s why it’s worth eating more of this extremely healthy fruit.

1. Cardiovascular Health

Coronary heart disease is still the biggest killer in the UK and is essentially a disease of inflammation.
Some experts believe society’s much increased use of processed vegetable oils, high in pro-inflammatory omega-6 fats are a significant factor in cardiovascular disease. They advise lowering our intake of polyunsaturated fats and increasing the amount of monounsaturated fatty acids in our diet.
Avocado is a great source of monounsaturated oleic acid that research has shown to both reduce dangerous low-density lipoprotein cholesterol at the same time as increasing the more beneficial high-density lipoprotein cholesterol .
Avocados also contain a rich variety of heart nutrients including vitamin E for preventing cholesterol oxidation; folate for reducing dangerous homocysteine levels in the blood; potassium for regulating blood pressure; phytosterols for reducing cholesterol absorption; and dietary fibre to control blood sugar levels.
Equally delicious avocado oil is an even richer source of oleic acid, vitamin E and phytosterols and, along with healthy coconut oil, is the only heat stable cooking oil I would ever use.

2. Skin Benefits

The monounsaturated fats in avocado are also beneficial for improving your skin tone. They are vital for maintaining good moisture levels in the epidermal layer of your skin that make it look and feel soft and healthy. Omega-9 fats can additionally help reduce skin redness and irritation and are involved in repairing damaged skin cells.
Avocado benefits also include protecting your skin from wrinkles and other visible signs of aging with its antioxidant carotenoids, vitamin E which helps guard against photo-aging from sun exposure and vitamin C which is involved in the creation of elastin and collagen for maintaining your skin’s elasticity and firmness.
There’s much more on just how good avocado is for your skin here.

3. Avocados and Weight Loss

Many people would be surprised that a food high in fat and calories would be considered good for weight loss. However research has shown that monounsaturated fatty acids are more likely to be used as slow burning energy than stored as body fat.
This slow burning energy and the feeling of satiety or satisfied fullness that you get from eating an avocado is one of the reasons they are known for reducing hunger and appetite.
It’s also why including more foods in your diet that are high in healthy fats and less with processed carbohydrates makes such a big difference when you want to lose weight. Snacking on nuts like almonds and walnuts instead of high carbohydrate foods is also highly beneficial for weight loss.
This may go against old nutritional advice but look where that has gotten us. People eat low-fat versions of just about everything these days, yet we are more overweight than at any time in history.
If you would like to know what really causes your body to store fat and what actually works to lose weight then see the fat burning furnace page. Counting calories, limiting fat intake and starving yourself has failed most people and will continue to do so.
Only by eating more fat burning foods and generally going against most of what we’ve been taught about dieting in magazines is there a real chance at significant weight loss.

4. Diabetes

As of 2012 there are currently nearly 3,000,000 people in the UK diagnosed with diabetes and there are believed to be a significant number of undiagnosed sufferers. If the rate of new cases continues, we will reach 5 million people by 2025 which will put a huge strain on the NHS and our ability to treat people with the disease.
The most common symptoms of undiagnosed diabetes include a sudden and large increase in thirst and hunger and much more frequent urinating. A dry mouth, significant unexplained weight loss, vision problems and leg pain are also common symptoms. If you’re experiencing any of these issues then please see your doctor for a simple diabetes test.
For those already living with diabetes, the oleic acid in avocado is especially recommended for its ability to lower ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol while raising the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. Keeping cholesterol levels in check is vital for diabetics as they have a much higher risk of cardiovascular disease.
Having more monounsaturated fats in a diabetic diet is also beneficial for reducing high triglyceride levels and may help improve insulin function and blood glucose levels.
Other health benefits of avocado that can help with the condition include its vitamin C for strengthening blood vessels and capillaries and improving immune function for diabetics. While the vitamin E found in avocado lowers cholesterol oxidation that can lead to heart attacks and strokes. It may also provide some protection from nerve damage in patients with peripheral neuropathy.
The high levels of potassium in avocados are another important nutritional factor for diabetics due to its role in maintaining a healthy heart and regulating blood sugar. All in all, avocados are a very healthy food for those living with diabetes and for people wishing to lower their risk of developing the disease.

5. Arthritis

Osteoarthritis is a painful disease of joint inflammation and soreness that affects millions of people in the UK. Many common foods like wheat, corn, milk and sugar are known to worsen symptoms, but anti-inflammatory avocado is one of the few foods consistently reported to reduce arthritic pain.
Avocados contain high levels of monounsaturated fats, phytosterols and antioxidants like vitamin E, vitamin C and a variety of carotenoids that may help with reducing the inflammation that leads to arthritis.

What's causes so much damage to our skin

1. Lack of hydration:

Just as you need to hydrated to avoid feeling the sensation of an extremely dry throat, it is essential to hydrate to keep away the dry and stretchy feeling from your skin. The skin cells are also made of water and need to be replenished for the skin to stay hydrated. Drinking a lot of water is the only way to go about this because water is claimed to be the best food for skin. 

2. Smoking:

Whatever the reasons you started, by now you must have realized that it does nothing to reduce your stress levels. The only thing it does manage to do apart from making you prone to various respiratory and heart troubles is dry your skin out and make you look like a cracked board. So quit!

3. Sun damage:

How amazing those few hours of fun in the sun make you feel! But then when you look at yourself in the mirror, you face falls. Literally. For the damage your skin has suffered due to exposure to the UV rays is apparent. You cant avoid the sun but you can use sun protection. Never forget it. 

4. Lack of exercise:

It makes you fat of course and that introduces very many more health problems but it also plays a role in the lack of luster in your skin. There isn’t enough flow of blood which is essential for the oxygen to travel across the body to each cell including the skin cells. 

5. Bad eating habits:

The skin needs different nutrients and those fast food joints you love are not where you will find it! Feed your skin the right food and it will respond with that lovely look you want. Tit for tat! 
Now that you know what you need to stop doing. Here are the tips for healthy skin.

How to manage period pains

Menstrual cramps are one of the top PMS issues that women face. Caused by prostaglandins, they can be quite debilitating. Prostaglandins are natural hormones produced in the body to stimulate contractions in the uterus during periods and childbirth. Pain may also be caused due to endometriosis. When the cells in the uterus lining move to other parts of the pelvis, it causes heavier bleeding and cramps.
You should always consult your doctor for the right diagnosis. If no serious issues are diagnosed, then you can use some home remedies to alleviate the pain. Skip the pain pills as they can be addictive and pump your body with chemicals. Choose a natural way to beat the pain.

Top 9 Home Remedies To Manage Period Pains:

Let’s look at top 9 home remedies to fight pain and take control over your periods for some fun and frolic.

1. Exercise:

Exercise can be your friend both during and after periods. Exercise reduces fatigue, anxiety, stress, and migraines, which are caused due to PMS and cramps. Try and involve in more exercise prior to your periods to avoid bloating.
In fact, yoga is perfect for this .There are 4 asanas that you can do including the camel pose , the bow pose , the noose pose and the forward toe bend pose to alleviate period cramps.

2. Right Diet:

Consume foods that are rich in Omega 3 acids like sesame seeds, flax seeds and salmon. These soothe the stomach and reduce stomach cramps. Avoid excess dairy, alcohol and red meat as they can irritate your sensitive stomach even further.

3. Use Heat:

Research indicates that topical use of heat on the stomach reduces cramps. Opt for a hot water bottle or make your own heat pack. Take an old sock. Fill it with up to 2 cups of rice. Secure the end by tying a knot. Microwave this sock for up to 1 minute or more if required. Place on the stomach taking care not to burn the skin. Test against your wrist if the heat is bearable.

4. Aromatherapy:

Aromatherapy has been proven to provide relief from painful menstruation symptoms. Aromatherapy uplifts your spirit and reduces stress and fatigues, making you feel better. For aroma therapy you should opt for scented candles. Scented potpourri is a good option or else you can use a diffuser.

5. Hot Water Bath:

Something as simple as a hot water bath can provide relief from the aches, pain, and fatigue associated with menstruation. Opt for an aromatherapy bath by adding 4 drops of essential oils to your bath water. You can choose antispasmodic oils like chamomile to get relief from backaches and other fatigue related symptoms.

6. Lemon Water:

Add the juice of 3 lemons in cold water and drink it every day. This helps ease pain and bloating during periods

7. Bananas:

Bananas have a high potassium content which helps ease the pain and cramps during your periods. Include bananas in your diet in the form of smoothies and mixed fruit salads.

8. Ginger Tea:

Make an infusion of ginger by steeping it in hot water. Crush 1 inch piece of ginger and put it in a cup of boiling water. Let it steep for 3-5 minutes. Consume after meals for relief from cramps and bloating

9. Cinnamon:

Cinnamon is anti- inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. It helps to ase cramps, fatigue, and aches. Use it in your tea and coffee or sip on apple cinnamon water to get relief.
All these home remedies are simple and will help you ease through this difficult time of the month. Stay healthy, stay happy.